Simply SpikedCreative Technologist
- Design and execute the world's first lie detector in a can.
- Promo Video
- Official Site
- Blog post
Corona RechargeCreative Technologist
- Design and execute the world's first lie detector in a can.
- Promo Video
- Blog post
Dismissed podcastHost
- Interviews and advice from people who've been let go.
- Spotify
- Apple Podcasts
- Site
Light Motion CaptureArtist
- Lightpainting project begun in 2015 as a way to capture the movement of light in a space.
- LMC site
- Prints for sale
- Blog post
WWE Pride Month 2022Creative Technologist
- Hired as artist collaborator with the WWE for their Pride Month 2022 campaign
- Gallery
- Behind the Scenes
- Blog post
Can't Sell This PodcastCo-Host
- Interviews with creatives on their process, successes and failures.
- Spotify
- Apple Podcasts
- Podcast Site
Buddy SystemCreative Technologist
- A communication system using ESP32 modules and Cloud Services.
- OG Kraft Bears
PatreonCreative Technologist
- Semi-active Patreon where I share experiments, podcasting, cosplay propmaking and tips and tricks.
- Patreon page
- Your support is appreciated!
- Produced long weekend event in support of the Vegas: Alter Your Reality campaign.
- Blog post
- YouTube Video
Balloons for ChampionsCreative Technologist
- Designed automated helium balloon-filling machine.
- Blog post
- Merit Interactive Innovative Use of Technology
- Merit Interactive Non-Profit/Public Service